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Baby Registry Checklist

Waiting for baby is truly a time like no other. From excitement to joy to a nervousness, you’re sure to run the gamut of emotions! During this time, your to-do list may seem a little unmanageable. It's time to step back, take a deep breath, and focus on just one of the tasks ahead of you. Zeroing in on baby’s nursery—where he or she will spend the majority of their time—is a great place to start.…

5 Best Meditation Apps for Expecting and New Moms!

Motherhood can be one of the most rewarding feelings. But with motherhood comes overwhelming changes, both physically and emotionally! Between managing homelife, work and preparing for or adjusting to your life with the baby, stress is often inevitable! That’s why we’ve put together a list of five meditation apps to help you practice mindfulness and feel centered and balanced in just a few minutes! All you need is ten minutes in a day, and the best…

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