Fact or fiction? If you keep your baby up late at night, they will sleep longer in the morning. If you guessed fiction, you’re right! Here are six common myths about infant sleep and crying that provided us with some interesting information and helpful tips:
- Crying typically peaks between 4-6 weeks of age and is thought to be caused by neurological development. Though most babies still experience a crying curve, babies often cry less in cultures where they are often carried.
- If your infant cries excessively, you’re not alone. One out of every five babies cries excessively.
- Babies are pattern seekers and a consistent routine during bedtime (even naps!) is important for a baby’s sleep.
- When sleeping on their back’s, a baby has a strong startling reflex and can wake easily. When nestled in their bassinet, swaddling can help keep your little one’s arms down and help baby to sleep more soundly.
- Instead of focusing on the amount of infant sleep, focus on how long they are awake. If your baby normally needs to rest every 90 minutes, be sure to watch the clock.
- Learn your child’s sleep signals. Do their eyes get red when they are tired or do you notice a change in their activity level when sleepy? Pay attention to these sleep signals to know when your little one is ready for bed.
The most important thing to remember is that all babies are different and have unique needs and experiences. You will quickly learn your baby’s signals and needs. When in doubt, ask your pediatrician, they are there to help.